Top 10k strings from Curse of the Sandwitch (1999)(CSSCGC).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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  48 ;"ANY KEY":
  17                      "
   9                     "
   5 p$=                   "
   5          "
   3               "
   2 er;heavy  lofted golf club for playing    from bunker.
   2 b$="Orange"
   2 b$="Banana"
   2 ;"Brown Software"
   2 );  germ layer of embryo.To destroy,blow up (rocks etc) with        explosives;hence 
   2 "        :
   2  off;to take   off from launching site.As in   rocket.Initial launching thrust.Understood as a curse,not of theSandwitch but as in 
   2                "
   1 score=23001
   1 question=question*10
   1 question=(
   1 points=points+score
   1 points<700
   1 pear=pear+1
   1 p$=                   "To proclaim,as with a trumpet.  Used to spread the news.Or to   mark a tree,by chipping bark,to show the way for others to      follow.A white mark on animal's face.To 
   1 p$=                   "To obstruct with material       obstacles,impede to hinder.     Perhaps a necessary but cumberso-me part of equipment.Made out  of basketwork.A packing case,   consignment of wines,eatables   etc.Packed as a present.        Christmas 
   1 p$=                   "The anti-catholics may be calledthis.To throw darts at pictures of the Pope would class you as  this.Also from an evergreen treeCitrus aurantium,bearing        fragrant white flowers and theselarge roundish many celled fruitBlood 
   1 p$=                   "Stop it,leave off,
   1 p$=                   "One of several strips across topof square sail or bottom of foreand aft sail that can be taken  in or rolled up to reduce sail'ssurface in high wind.
   1 p$=                   "Incite (hound etc) by taste of  blood;initiate in bloodshed;    inflame by foretaste of success.Or soft substance between skin  and bones,muscular part of      animals bodies.
   1 p$=                   "Embryonic cell (erythro
   1 p$=                   "Each of several hard and dense  structures growing in rows.     False,Artificial 
   1 p$=                   "Become attracted to,form a      liking for,
   1 p$=                   "A condition,mode of existence asdetermined by circumstances.    Precarious 
   1 orange=orange+1
   1 lives=lives-1
   1 ed,    damnable,cursed.                    END OF DEFINITION.B
   1 ed,    damnable,cursed.                    END OF DEFINITION."
   1 dart=dart-1
   1 d off,   bored,exasperated.Or a food madeof pressed curds.Complete cake  etc. of this within rind;bread  and 
   1 curse2    j
   1 curse1    
   1 curse     
   1 banana=banana+1
   1 b$="tooth"
   1 b$="state"
   1 b$="orange"
   1 b$="hamper"
   1 b$="flesh"
   1 b$="cheese"
   1 b$="blaze"
   1 b$="blast"
   1 WHAT DO YOU WISH TO DO NOW ?       
   1 USE KEYS N(North),S(South),E    (East) and W(West) TO NEGOTIATE THE MAZE.
   1 Embryonic cell (erythro
   1 B$="cotton"
   1 ;untidy,exited and    anxious.Express,fully and       clearly in speech or writing.       END OF DEFINITION."
   1 ;"you will die."
   1 ;"up to 8"
   1 ;"tells you when"
   1 ;"questions to "
   1 ;"program."
   1 ;"players."
   1 ;"be answered by"
   1 ;"______________"
   1 ;"YOU LOSE!":
   1 ;"YOU      : ";points
   1 ;"WRONG!":
   1 ;"WELCOME"
   1 ;"Trivia.Out now"
   1 ;"SCORE SO FAR:";points
   1 ;"SCORE AVAILABLE:";score
   1 ;"SANDWITCH: 700":
   1 ;"Pod..Out now"
   1 ;"Over 100"
   1 ;"OUT OF DARTS!":
   1 ;"LOADING"
   1 ;"Deathday II."
   1 ;"CORRECT":
   1 ;"CASTLE^"
   1 ;"Brown Software Presents........."
   1 ;"ARMOUR: ";lives
   1 ;"ANY KEY"
   1 ;"A utility"
   1 ;"A educational"
   1 ;"..Out now"
   1 ;            "
   1 1.....Play again                2.....Quit program 
   1 1.......>.unlock the door       2.........go back to start      3.........go to hills           4.........go to lake                                         
   1 .Tangerine,used in the     making of marmalade,or squash.  Covered in a thick peel.           END OF DEFINITION."
   1 .Sense of taste or liking of sugar;       Sweet 
   1 .Many grow in the    jaws of most vertebrates.Used   for biting and chewing.Armed to the 
   1 .Chalk and 
   1 .   Usually full of food.Yogi bear  spends his life hunting and     stealing them.                      END OF DEFINITION."
   1 .                    END OF DEFINITION."
   1 ,bad luck.Fruit of mallow,round flat object.    Slang for important person.The  big 
   1 ,Long in the 
   1 *********************************** GOSUBS TO ********************* P$ Lines 2500 *********** sets up mazes *******************************************
   1 "The object is a ";a$
   1 ":             
   1 "           Presents":
   1 "                          
   1  yarn.Used for sewing etc. 
   1  wool,   raw material used for padding.      END OF DEFINITION."
   1  up,to     burst into a 
   1  plant.(Gossypium)used for making thread,cloth etc
   1  pick.Sharp    with cutting edges.Molar,canine.    END OF DEFINITION."
   1  on.Or white    downy fibrous substance clothingseeds of 
   1  on to.Or to    understand 
   1  of the artIn a 
   1  of health.     Organized political community   under one government,nation,    commonwealth.The United 
   1  of health,
   1  knot;double knot for secure holding  and easy casting off.Or a ridge of rock,shingle or sand around  surface of water.A hazardous    obstacle.To proceed cautiously. take in a 
   1  departmentTo lie in 
   1  creep.           END OF DEFINITION."
   1  cake,compressed 
   1  burger,cake,    board,cloth,cutter.               END OF DEFINITION."
   1  away.Tofire continuously with rifles   etc.Work enthusiastically.          END OF DEFINITION."
   1  and  blood;relations and descendants.To make your 
   1  an blood.  The body or its material,mankindhuman nature with its emotions  and infirmities.Ones 
   1  a trail.A fire,to emit light,brilliantly lighted; burn with anger,
   1  1987.             ****************************************************************
   1  *********************************************************           Written by Alan                             Brown.               
   1   Written by                       Alan L Brown                     
   1   CURSE OF THE SANDWITCH MAZE:";maze;" ":
   1    candy,candy floss.
   1      seed as food for cattle.
   1       1......go to casino             2......go to Key shop           3......go to lake               4......go down dark street                                    
   1         1.....take axe                  2.....leave shed                                            
   1         1.....go back to main street    2.....continue down alley                                   
   1         1......go to forest             2......swim across lake         3......go to start              4......go to the hills          5......go to the city                                       
   1           1......go to hills              2......break down door                                    
   1           '                                     
   1            1.......go to forest            2.......go to lake              3.......go to castle                                     
   1             The Curse of the Sandwitch.
   1             1....Raise your hands           2....Shoot the man              3....Keep your gun ready                                
   1                                 You throw yourself at the door. Not surprisingly the door stays shut.You probably need an axe tobreak down the door.The         woodcutters shed might be of    interest.                                                       
   1                                 You rush after the Sandwitch.   Only her clothes lie in the     middle of the room.She is gone, forever.The people of the castleare free.You are appointed theirking and now own the castle.All that is left to remind you of   the sandwitch is an advert foundamong her clothes.                                              
   1                                 You reach for your gun.This     sudden movement scares the man. He fires at point-blank range.  You are dead.Your body is       riddled with lead.                                              
   1                                 You make your way down the      street.It is dark and dirty.You find a grubby pound note and so pick it up.Suddenly a clatter   startles you.                   
   1                                 You hear blood curdling laughterand the dark silhouette of the  Sandwitch descends from the sky.She screams something at you anda force field descends from the heavens.You are pulled up insidethe force field into the clouds.                                
   1                                 You have won the jackpot!You nowhave enough money to go to the  key cutters.                                                    
   1                                 You have sat the Sandwitches    final test.She is working out   how many points you have scored.                                
   1                                 You have found your way out of  the forest of doom.You make yourway towards the mountains of    Hangridge.                                                      
   1                                 You have been killed.Hard Luck. Perhaps you need more practice.    Press 1 for another game              2 to quit                                              
   1                                 You have been killed by an evil creature.                                                       
   1                                 You find yourself lost in a mazeof corridors.You realise that tocontinue you must find your way out.A poster on the wall warns  of the floorless room.A map     will probably be of use to you. 
   1                                 You find a great pile of money  further down the street.It was  probably left by the masked men.You take it all and return to   the main street.                                                
   1                                 You do not have enough money to go to the key cutters.Hard luck sucker!                                                         
   1                                 You continue down the street.   Suddenly a group of masked men  jump out of the darkness.       Skillfully you par their blows. One by one you fight them off.  Soon they run away down the     alley leaving a card behind themit reads:                            'You are lucky,next              time my messengers              will be experienced             there is no escape              from the Sandwitch.                     
   1                                 You continue down the alley.    There is another clatter.You    hear talking.Suddenly three     figures leap out of the darknessthey go for your money.In the   following struggle you are      stabbed many times and left     lying in the gutter to die.                                     
   1                                 You attack the door with the axesplinters fly and soon the door is reduced to a pile of sawdust.You walk through the doorway anddown a corridor.A grinding noisemakes you turn.The doorway has  closed up behind you.                                           
   1                                 You are transported into the    Sandwitches castle.The Sandwitchfollows you in on her broomstick                                
   1                                 You are standing on the         mountains of Hangridge.You now  realise where the name Hangridgeoriginates from.A harsh,cold    wind blows from the east.You canfeel the presence of great evil.You are nearing the Sandwitch.                                  
   1                                 You are standing next to a sign.It points to the castle.The     castle door is locked.There is  no keyhole.From inside the      castle walls you can hear blood curdling laughter.              
   1                                 You are standing in a vast,emptyhallway.The room is in silence  except for the quiet ticking of a small clock.                   Suddenly footsteps break the   silence.Slowly the door opens,a small man walks in.He is holdinga shotgun.                      
   1                                 You are standing at the edge of the lake.You can just see the   other side of the lake.A cool   breeze wafts across the water   towards you.The water glistens  in the bright sunlight.         
   1                                 You are out of money.You are    thrown out of the casino by a   big fat man who's about 6 feet  tall.                                                           
   1                                 You are on top of the hills of  Hangridge.The top is flat.You   can see the rest of the hills   in the distance.There is a      castle to the east.The cold     wind sweeps across the bleak    landscape.It is quite cold here.
   1                                 You are in the city.Skyscrapers loom up against you on all sidesThere seems to be three or four streets leading off in differentdirections.One sign says:'Casinothis way.'.Another says'Keys cutand sold'.A dark,desolate streetleads west.                     
   1                                 You are in a dark room.There is an overwhelming smell.A large   cauldren sits bubbling in the   corner.                                                         
   1                                 What do you wish to do now?                                            
   1                                 What do you think the object is?Answer without using capitals,  fullstops etc.One word answers  only.YOU MUST ANSWER IN THE     SINGULAR.                                                       
   1                                 Well Done.You have defeated the evil creature sent by the       Sandwitch.This however was the  first of many obstacles you willencounter in the forest of doom.                                
   1                                 Use keys 6(left),8(down),9(up)  and 7(right).To negotiate your  way through the forest.But be   careful...Contact with monsters is fatal.                                                       
   1                                 Unfortunatly the lake is        infested with hungry piranahs.  You have been eaten.                                            
   1                                 The man,seeing that you mean himno harm,lowers his gun.You drop your gun to the ground.The man  tells you that the castle and   its inhabitants are in trouble. They have been placed under a   curse.                             The curse of the Sandwitch.                                  
   1                                 The man walks over to a small,  ornate table with a telephone   sitting on it.He answers the    phone and his face goes a       deathly white colour.He drops   the reciever with a clatter.He  turns to you and says 'That was the Sandwitch.She has been      watching you.If you do not meet her she will destroy the castle.It is your duty to meet her.You are the chosen one.'                                            
   1                                 The man takes you to a small,   dimly lit room.You sit down on alarge,comfortable easy chair.Theman gives you a glass of sweet  tasting wine.He tells you that  the castle and its inhabitants  have been put under a curse by  an evil witch.                                                  
   1                                 The keycutter says he has been  expecting you.He takes you      through to a dark,damp room.    There he takes a large rusty keyfrom a dusty shelf.You take the key and pay him for it.                                         
   1                                 The door is open!Inside the shedyou can see an axe.It is a      little rusty but seems in quite good condition.                 
   1                                 The dart gun has a rather       powerful kick which will stun   you.Contact with the creatures  will mean instant death.        By moving to the bottom of the  screen you will make it easier  for the Sandwitch to locate you and send a creature to kill you.                                
   1                                 The Sandwitch has beaten you.Youmay have the brawn but you don'thave the brain.Hard Luck!                                       
   1                                 He takes you through to the     armoury where you are given a   dart gun,a supply of ten darts  and a protective suit which willwithstand three hits.You are    then  taken to the edge of the  forest of darkness,the domain ofthe sandwitch.                      
   1                                 HARD LUCK.YOU HAVE ENTERED A    ROOM WITH NO FLOOR.YOU FALL     HUNDREDS OF FEET TO YOUR DEATH. PERHAPS MAKING A MAP WOULD HELP.                                
   1                                 Congratulations.You have        defeated the Sandwitch.She      screams and runs from the room.                                 
   1                                 Congratulations!You have come tothe end of the maze.As you walk away from the corridor you find a gun and a pile of ammunition. You pick it up and continue     through the castle.                                             
   1                                 CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE        COMPLETED PART ONE. NOW TRY PARTTWO...                                                          
   1                                 As your physical and strategicalskills have already been tested the Sandwitch says she will testyour intellegence.She feels thatshe can defeat you in this fieldYou will be given 3 definitions.You must press a key to stop theprinting of the definition.You  must then type in the name of   the object.The quicker you stop the definition,the higher your  score will be.You must beat 700 points to defeat the Sandwitch.                                 
   1                                  You take the axe and leave the shed.Unfortunatly you drop the  key as you leave.It sinks into  the ground before your very eyes.                                                               
   1                                  You are standing in the middle of the wood.Ahead you can see a rundown hut.The door is locked  with a padlock.                 
   1                                  You are standing about half a  mile from a dense woodland area. A little closer,and to the east,there is a large lake.In the   distance you can see the hills  of Hangridge.Suddenly a flying  object catches your eye,you knowwhat it looked like but no,it   couldn't possibly have been......could it?                     
   1                                     YOU HAVE NO KEY STUPID!                                     
   1                                            1.......Go to the forest        2.......Go to the lake                                  